الجمعة، 19 نوفمبر 2010


        Knowledge and education are the backbone of every society. Knowledge is power and critical to development of any country . the educational system in egypt has a long intellectual and educational tradition. It has a tradition of expending human energy and resources on the search for all forms of knowledge. we find many drawbacks in the educational systems and these are often related to economic, social and political problems.

     In Egypt,we do not spend enough on education.Insufficient funding affects all aspects of education beginning with infrastructure all the way to the quality of education.  Lack of funding results in the lack of buildings and this reduces the number of class rooms which forces too many students into classes and forces schools to work in shifts. Insufficient funds lead to sub par salaries for teachers which affects on their productivity . The huge number of students whether in schools or universities affects the quality of education, less interaction between students and teachers,teaching method are traditional and new methods are usually ignored.curriclumseem to encourage submission  and memorization, rather than free critical thinking. In many cases, the contents of these curricula do not encourage the student to think and to create.
          cooperation between countries would help to solve many problems in  producing more useful and productive students. The current curriculum needs to be replaced with modern methods of teaching which employ research and create in students the eagerness for invention and discovery.Teachers need to be trained more in order to educate students in a more useful and interesting way. There should be teacher workshops on a regular basis and teachers should be paid competitive salaries so they can concentrate solely on teaching.The teaching of science and technology is mostly theoretical. This needs to be changed with more practical training. It also requires more science laboratories.

       the educational system in egypt needs for greet efforts to develope. It needs for the efforts of the government and individuals.To raise the awareness about education, to prepare the students for serving the country, to specify the goals for students, to organize the study time instead of wasting it, and to encourage parents to participate in the educational process.  

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